Sprinkler Services in the
Woodlands, Texas Area


Though Texas weather is normally very mild compared to our friends in northern states, we urge our customers to winterize their systems the first week of December.

Protect your system from winter freezes

Our semi-tropical weather means we don’t have to worry about pipes freezing below the ground, but we must protect backflow preventers located above ground level. You’ve probably seen sprinkler systems “broken” and spewing water out for hours after this hard freeze.

To prevent this from happening to you, I want to share my procedures on properly winterizing your sprinkler system. This takes two minutes to complete, but first you need to know to learn the terminology.

Did you know your monthly sewer rates are prorated on your December through February water consumption?

Don’t be surprised if your sprinkler contractor “forgot” to install your system according to standards established by the Texas Administrative code. If your system is as described, don’t panic. We can come out and modify it for you!

Water Meter Valve

All homes have a water meter with a shut off valve inside a rectangular green valve box which is usually located on the property line, near the curb. These are alternately called main water shut-off, city water meter, or water main. They are located along the street. If you live on a cul-de-sac, each home might have its own separate box. People living on a regular street normally share a box with their neighbors. Attached is a picture to help you identify where your city water meter is located. To begin the process, all boxes have a round hole where you can insert your finger or channel locks to pry the lid off.

#1 City water main valve box

I believe most valve boxes have never been opened by the homeowner, so they don’t know what to expect. This is the valve box at my home, which is probably just like yours!

Water meter box full of water

#2 The First Surprise

This valve box is filled with water which obscures the water meter and shut off valve. Valve boxes attract water for a variety of reasons: being installed in a swale or low spot, water following the trench back from the house, or over-watering. You can use an old cup or can to bale the water out. Be patient since it might hold several gallons of water. Once the water is removed, here’s what you should see.

#3 All I See is Mud

Here’s your next surprise… Where there used to be water, there is now mud. Don’t get discouraged, since once you clean your valve box out, you should never have to do it again! Use a small hand shovel to dig all around the meter, as there could be sharp items buried in the mud. The meter looks like a clock dial, but you are looking for a straight piece of metal BEFORE the meter. That is the shut off valve. It’s about 1.5″ long by .5″ wide and is reflected in the next picture.

#4 That's It?

The arrow reflects the shut-off valve. If it’s straight (in-line) with the water meter, it is turned on. Homeowners have two options for turning their water off, if it becomes necessary. A crescent wrench or water shut-off key will do the job. The latter item is available at Home Depot or Lowes.

One disclaimer… If your house is more than 5 years old, there’s a possibility your valve could be frozen. When something has not been used in a while, it tends to become stuck in its open position and all of your gallant attempts turning may not budge it. If this occurs, most local MUD (Metropolitan Utility Districts) have mobile staff that carry industrial strength shut-off keys, and can turn it off for you at no cost.

Shutting Off the Sprinkler System

The reason you need to know where your water shut-off is in case your sprinkler system does not have an isolation valve before the PVB (Pressure Vacuum Breaker) to shut the sprinkler water off. Here’s a picture of what this valve looks like. It should be located inside of a valve box. They are normally located “close” to the city water valve box or at the base of the PVB, like the picture below.

An isolation valve permits the sprinkler water line to be isolated and turned off, while your house water stays on. This is very important to remember, should your PVB freeze and crack, since without one, you MUST TURN OFF YOUR WATER AT THE STREETwhich means no water to the entire house!

You might be asking why you need an isolation valve if you already have two shut-off handles on your back flow prevention device. In our tropical location, metal rusts and corrodes over an extended period of time. Handles on a PVB or DCV break off within several years of installation. You should go outside and check the condition of yours prior to an emergency. Try turning one of the handles and see if it is frozen, stiff, or hopefully turns freely.

Chances are, if it’s heavily rusted, when you attempt to turn it, it will break off. Now you can see the value of an isolation valve. Plastic is impervious to rust and should be your primary method of turning your sprinklers on and off, so the rust issue becomes irrelevant. Older systems did not have this requirement, but they are now required under Texas Administrative Code, Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 344, Sub-chapter 7, Rule §344.62. This section spells out the minimum standards for sprinkler systems.

Finally, we are ready to shut the water off. Here are the procedures:

Additional Considerations

1. Are your PVB or DCV shut-off handles capable of being shut off in an emergency? If they are similar to these, you should consider getting an isolation valve installed as a pre-emptive measure before the next freeze occurs.

Protect your system from winter freezes


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Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.
Ut sea accumsan interpretaris, viderer pertinax repudiandae ne ius, qui ne porro insolens instructior. Graece euripidis instructior an vix, eum et equidem expetenda concludaturque.